Frito-Lay's was established in 1961 with the mission to provide consumers access to their favorite snack, everywhere at all times. In 1967, they introduced Frito Bandito as the mascot replacing the original Frito Kid. Frito-Lay decided to cease Frito Bandito due to the problematic racial design of the character and the controversy that arose. The concept behind this redesign is to maintain Frito-Lay’s family friendly household image while remaining the world’s favorite snack that is always within an arm’s reach.
Frito Lay wanted a character that could not experience controversy, but brings consumers loyalty and excitement while maintaining their family friendly household image.
Research, Sketches, Character Illustration
The decision to design a potato farmer, Daryll Lay, is due to the previous failure they had with Frito Kid and Frito Bandito. Daryll Lay is designed to represent a potato to take the conversation of race out of the equation while maintaining Frito-Lay’s family friendly household image. His facial expressions symbolizes their excitement and pride they have in the care, production, and quality of their products.

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